A Hollywood Pilates Instructor Says Strong Is The New Sexy

Parsley Health
August 26, 2016

Celebrity pilates instructor and owner of Hollywood’s hottest gym, Heather Dorak, is one of the most inspirational and influential women on the LA fitness scene.

After founding her first Pilates studio in her early 20s, Heather has gone on to expand Pilates Platinum into a four-studio Pilates powerhouse. Heather lives her passion every day by doing something for her mind, body, or soul.

She’s all about that #parsleylife – taking a 360 approach to her health, focusing on strength and nourishment, and striving for balance in everything she does.

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We sat down with Heather and asked her 8 Key Questions for our Woman Up series – a collection of inspiring femmes that live large, work hard, fall often and always get back up.

1. What did you have to unlearn to get to where you are?

In the past, my goal was to get as skinny as possible. This has been a very unhealthy habit I had to unlearn. Pilates has taught me, well many things, but most importantly that strong is healthy.

2. We want to work out with you today, where are you taking us?

I am a dancer at heart. My whole childhood revolved around dancing, so anytime I can dance, I take advantage. I love to workout (outside of Pilates Platinum) with Burn It Off by Chrissy Or Plyojam. They get your heart pumping, booty shaking and always a lot of fun.

3. What’s your hack for getting back on track when things have completely derailed? (Like after a vacation or an indulgent weekend or a big deadline).

Start with something small. Whatever your favorite thing to do for a workout is, do that. You will get inspired to get back on track. I like to make a fitness date with a friend to hold myself accountable.

4. What habit are you trying to kick? And how are you doing it?

Over-committing. I have a hard time wanting to do everything, but doing everything usually isn’t possible. It is important to keep time for myself and my business but most importantly to stay in tune with my body and do what feels best. It has been hard for me to learn but sometimes a quiet Saturday afternoon reading a book, accompanied by watching Netflix at night is exactly what is needed.

Need help getting in tune with your body? Parsley can help. It’s what we do best. Ask us how.

5. On the other hand, how are you guys killing it in life right now?

We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this year! It has been 10 years since my first studio opened. We will be celebrating at the end of September with a party. Stay tuned into @pilatesplatinum on Instagram for more details.

6. If you went to a deserted island and could take a truckload of only one type of food / snack/ drink, what would it be?

Oh this is a great question. I would definitely have to take LiveBeaming protein powder, RxBars , and Eboost .

7. What is your definition of success?

The key to success is balance – balance in life which leads to happiness.

8. As you know, Parsley is opening in LA in September! What are your Top 3 favorite things about LA right now? Where should we hang, sweat or eat?

Favorite things about LA right now – BondiHarvest USA Cafe, The Metro to take us westsider to explore the restaurants and rooftop bars that are downtown, SweatNSK and Erewhon Market in Venice

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