This is Why You Need to Stop Eating Dairy

Parsley Health
October 20, 2016

Everyone is talking about dairy these days?

Should you eat it? Shouldn’t you eat it? Is cheese really dairy? All cheese, even if it comes from a goat?

Has dairy become the new diet devil?

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding why you should or shouldn’t keep dairy in your diet. Dairy is one of the things people ask us about the most when they call us for theirfree consultation .

Our doctors recommend cutting all dairy out of your diet for at least 21 days to see what the changes do to your body. Why? Well, here are four reasons you may want to hold the feta on your next green salad.

You may be lactose intolerant.

Lactose is a sugar in dairy that many people have difficulty processing. When lactose goes undigested, the sugars ferment in the colon, causing gas that can lead to bloating , nausea, constipation and diarrhea. Over time, this can cause deeper issues. Less than 40%  of people in the world actually have the ability to digest lactose after childhood. Our bodies were not designed to need and eat dairy. Eating dairy is an advent of modern industrial food practices.

You may be sensitive to casein and/or whey without being lactose intolerant.

“Many people are sensitive to both casein and whey, the two major proteins in all dairy not just milk from cows. This sensitivity causes all kinds of problems beyond an upset stomach. Yes it can cause digestive problems but it can also cause acne and eczema, and worsen sinus congestion and allergies and asthma,” according to Parsley Health founder and CEO Dr. Robin Berzin .

Your dairy is coming from cows injected with hormones and antibiotics.

Unfortunately, the majority of cows that reside on major dairy farms are given hormones and antibiotics, live in unhealthy conditions and are fed genetically modified corn and wheat, instead of the grass they were meant to eat. These hormones and antibiotics often find their way into the dairy products we’re consuming.

Your dairy is highly processed.

There is a difference between getting your milk straight from your neighbors farm and buying it from the grocery store after it has been pasteurized and processed. Raw dairy is a living food. It has enzymes and antibodies in it. But according to Dr. Berzin , most dairy we consume is pasteurized (flash heated) to kill germs, also killing off some of dairy’s benefits and making it hard for people to digest. Not to mention many other dairy items—yogurt, kefir—contain added sugars. Even some organic yogurts have upwards of 29 grams of sugar per serving….that’s more than a Twinkie!

If you want to see if you can get away with a little of dairy here and there, try eliminating it completely for at least 21 days. Check in with how you feel. Then try slowly reintroducing it and note any symptoms you are experiencing. It’s important to take note of how you feel immediately and how you feel a few days afterwards. Then reintroduce slowly and pay attention to your body.

If you don’t have an issue with dairy, make sure that you are consuming high-quality, unprocessed organic milk from happy, grass-fed cows.

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