The 5 Must-Have Ingredients for Spring

Parsley Health
May 2, 2017

Spring is the time of year when nature is waking up from a long winter’s rest and bursting into bright, colorful, vibrant life.

We’re more than ready to dive into this moment of rebirth and renewal head-first, so we’re stocking our kitchen with lots of hydrating, detoxifying, rejuvenating fresh produce that celebrates the season… while helping us do a little bit of internal spring cleaning, too.

Schedule a free conversation with a Parsley Health expert to learn about our comprehensive approach to a healthy eating.

1. Sun Chokes

Also known as Jerusalem artichokes, these root veggies are an excellent source of inulin, a form of fiber that provides nourishment for the healthy bacteria in your gut.

2. Asparagus

One of our favorite spring veggies! Asparagus is great for mamas-to-be because it’s a source of folate, an essential fertility nutrient. It’s also a natural diuretic that helps relieve bloat.

3. Dandelion Greens

These and other bitter greens have magical effects on your digestive system because they trigger the production of digestive enzymes. They also support liver detoxification to give you a springtime deep clean from the inside out.

4. Peas

Don’t underestimate these little guys…they are rich in healing, body-balancing minerals like magnesium and iron and also provide the antioxidant lutein, which helps you maintain your vision as you age.

5. Ramps

Similar in flavor and nutrient content to garlic and onions. It’s a sure sign spring is coming when these alliums appear! Along with immunity-boosting Vit C and skin-brightening Vit A, ramps also have disease-fighting organosulfur compounds.

Learn More About Parsley Health’s Partnership With Sakara Life !

This piece was originally posted on S-Life Mag . Photo courtesy of Unsplash .

Parsley Health is the doctor that helps you live healthier, longer, by treating the root cause of symptoms and conditions. Our medical teams—staffed by leading clinicians and health coaches—spend more time with you, order the right tests, and prescribe food, sleep and movement alongside medications so you can get better—and feel better.

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