Complete Care Anywhere: Your New Doctor, Now Online

Parsley Health
January 20, 2020

A typical doctor visit might go something like this: you walk in, fill out a cumbersome intake form for the hundredth time, then sit in a tired, lifeless waiting room way past your appointment time. When you finally see your doctor, you get your vitals checked and are in and out in under 20 minutes with not nearly enough time to get all your questions answered. Sound familiar?

What if it looked more like this: Ahead of your appointment you fill out an extensive online questionnaire at home. You’re asked about things no doctor has ever asked you before—your birth, childhood, relationships, diet, exercise routine, what stresses you out, your sleep , mental health, and your health concern and goals. Instead of blocking off extra commute time in your calendar to get to the doctor’s office or booking a babysitter, you pop open your laptop or phone from wherever you are and chat with your doctor just like you would your long-distance BFF—via video. This is modern medicine. This is Complete Care Anywhere . Here’s what else makes this first-of-its-kind holistic online medical care so special—and how it offers some unexpected health benefits.

1. You can see us from anywhere.

Previously, Parsley Health was only available in NY, LA, and SF. Even then, members flew in to see their doctor for their first visit. Parsley’s membership today hails from over 10 countries and 20 states. But better health should be accessible, which is why we’re bringing our care to everyone, everywhere. That means being able to sign up for a membership regardless of where you live and meet with your doctor in your space, on your time, totally online.

Aubre Weber, DO , a doctor at Parsley Health, says there is a big benefit to seeing a patient comfortable, in their natural environment. “Patients have an ease about them when they are in their normal environment, under softer light, and naturally relaxed as opposed to in an office they’re unfamiliar with that might elicit fear and anxiety .”

The best care treats the whole person and is grounded in prevention, not prescriptions and procedures. Get holistic care from anywhere with Parsley Health.

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2. You’ll build a relationship like no other.

Historically, the closest doctor-patient relationships developed within the home during doctor house calls, when people had a more comfortable relationship with their physicians, and welcomed them into their personal space. Doctors became part of the family in a way that doesn’t happen anymore.

In a way, face-to-face video visits help both patients and providers get back to this type of connection. The advances in technology also help to rid us of many of the potential downfalls you’d expect to encounter without seeing a doctor in-person.

Having a relationship with your doctor, where they truly get to know you, your personal history, and your goals consistently over time is key to long-lasting health. In fact, research has found that stronger doctor-patient relationships improve patient health and decrease medical costs. Not to mention, being able to message your doctor 365 days a year for whatever is on your mind—from refills to new health issues, to questions on nutrition—certainly has its perks.

3. Things getreallycomfortable.

Beyond the fact that you can have a visit literally from your couch, our doctors all cited the value of being able to see their patients’ at-home environment and how their physical space might be impacting their overall well-being. “Sometimes patients will actually show me what’s in their refrigerators or what their sleeping environment looks like,” says Dr. Weber. These subtle glimpses into your lives help our virtual doctors get to know you on a deeper level and develop a more comprehensive understanding of your lifestyle— a true benefit when it comes to identifying underlying causes of medical issues and curating a realistic health plan.

Every aspect of your online visit—from the things you talk about in your first 60-minute visit, to the details they gather during the visual physical exam , will be used to inform the lab work and advanced diagnostics tests they’ll recommend. It’s all part of Parsley’s holistic approach: we look at you as a whole person, connecting symptoms to find the underlying cause of illness.

4. You can have your lab work done anywhere, even at home.

Parsley Health uses advanced testing that goes deep, looking at things like nutrient status, thyroid health, and inflammation —but it’s not overly complicated. After your first doctor’s visit, you’ll meet with your Care Manager. They’ll help you get set up at a local lab for blood work and explain any specialty testing your doctor may recommend, like hormone testing or a gut microbiome analysis. Many speciality tests can be done at home, whenever is most convenient for you.

5. You get a tailored-to-you, science-based plan.

Knowledge is power, and when you have information and data about your health it puts you in the driver’s seat. That said, data alone means nothing if you don’t know how to translate it and create an actionable health plan with that information. A plan is crucial for the data to be impactful. During your second 60-minute online visit with your doctor, they’ll go over your test results, interpret them, and work with you to design a health plan that fits your life.

6. Real guidance from real people.

We don’t leave you to go it alone. Our health coaches are committed to your success and they’ll help you turn your health plan into an action plan. With Complete Care Anywhere , you’ll receive five health coaching visits to use in tandem with your five doctor visits. After each visit with your doctor, you’ll meet with your health coach to review the changes to your health plan and discuss targeted steps to help you stick to the suggestions made by your doctor. In your coaching visits, you and your health coach will work together to establish your top three actionable goals to prioritize and your coach will provide specific resources such as recipes, workout routines, and meditations to help ensure you have the tools you need to succeed. Just like your doctor, you can message your coach 365 days a year for whatever update, question, or concern you may have for real help in real time.

Why a health coach? Research has shown that working with a health coach can up your success and benefit people with chronic conditions. One recent review of eleven studies found that 82 percent of people who worked with a health coach improved nutrition-related biomarkers and eating behaviors as measured by weight, blood pressure, and fruit, vegetable, and fat intake. A 2018 study found that online coaching is just as effective as in-person coaching, so you’re getting the best care, regardless of where you are.
Ready to sign up? Learn more about a Complete Care Anywhere membership.

Parsley Health is the doctor that helps you live healthier, longer, by treating the root cause of symptoms and conditions. Our medical teams—staffed by leading clinicians and health coaches—spend more time with you, order the right tests, and prescribe food, sleep and movement alongside medications so you can get better—and feel better.

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Our leading medical providers and health coaches heal the root cause of health concerns with a personalized care plan and year-round support. Our root-cause resolution medicine has helped thousands feel better, with 85% of members reducing symptoms in their first year.

Parsley Health medical providers are trained to treat the root cause of complex, chronic conditions and symptoms. Ready to start feeling better?